Author: dindo

The 6 Biggest Mistakes Homeowners Make When Trimming Their Own Trees

Caring for the trees on your property stands as a fundamental responsibility of homeownership. Consistent tree trimming not only elevates the visual allure of your landscape but also fosters the well-being and longevity of your trees. Yet, in their endeavor to cut costs or independently manage the task, numerous homeowners inadvertently commit significant errors while undertaking the pruning of their own trees. Within this article, we will delve into the six most substantial mistakes and offer valuable insights on how to steer clear of them.

Improper Pruning Techniques

A prevalent error among homeowners engaged in tree trimming involves the utilization of improper pruning techniques. This includes over-pruning, topping, or making indiscriminate cuts. Excessive pruning, characterized by the removal of an abundance of branches at once, has the potential to weaken the tree, rendering it more susceptible to diseases. Topping, the removal of large branches or the upper portion of the tree, not only compromises the tree’s structure but also leads to rapid, unhealthy regrowth.

Avoidance Tip: Educate yourself on proper pruning techniques or consult with a certified arborist before taking on a trimming project. Focus on removing dead, damaged, or crossing branches while maintaining the tree’s natural shape.

Ignoring Tree Health Signs

Homeowners often trim their trees without considering the overall health of the tree. Ignoring signs of disease or pest infestation can exacerbate existing problems. Trimming a sick tree without addressing the underlying issues can lead to further decline.

Avoidance Tip: Before starting any trimming, inspect your trees for signs of disease, pests, or stress. If you notice discoloration, abnormal growths, or dieback, consult with an arborist to identify the underlying problem and develop a proper course of action.

Timing Matters: Incorrect Season for Trimming

Timing is crucial when it comes to tree trimming. Some homeowners trim their trees at the wrong time of the year, disrupting the natural growth cycles. For instance, pruning during the active growing season can stress the tree and leave it more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Avoidance Tip: Research the appropriate time to trim specific tree species in your region. In general, late fall or early winter is often recommended when trees are dormant, reducing stress and potential harm.

Ignoring Safety Measures

Trimming trees involves working at heights and handling potentially dangerous tools. Many homeowners underestimate the risks associated with tree trimming and neglect safety measures. This can lead to accidents, injuries, or damage to property.

Avoidance Tip: Prioritize safety by wearing appropriate protective gear, using sturdy ladders, and employing the help of a spotter if needed. If the trimming project involves tall or difficult-to-reach branches, consider hiring a professional tree service.

Overlooking Local Regulations

Homeowners may not be aware of or may overlook local regulations regarding tree trimming. Some municipalities have specific guidelines and permitting requirements for tree work. Performing unauthorized tree trimming can lead to legal consequences and fines.

Avoidance Tip: Check with your local city or county authorities to understand the regulations regarding tree trimming on your property. Obtain any necessary permits before starting the trimming process to ensure compliance with local laws.

Neglecting the Use of Proper Tools

Using the wrong tools or poorly maintained equipment is a common mistake when homeowners undertake tree trimming. Dull or inappropriate tools can cause unnecessary damage to the tree, create uneven cuts, and increase the risk of accidents.

Avoidance Tip: Invest in high-quality, sharp pruning tools suitable for the size and type of branches you’ll be cutting. Regularly maintain and clean your tools to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

In conclusion, while the desire to maintain your trees on your own is commendable, it’s crucial to avoid these common mistakes to ensure the health and safety of your trees, as well as your own. In moments of uncertainty, turning to the expertise of a certified arborist or enlisting the services of a professional tree service can prove to be a wise investment, sparing you time, financial resources, and potential complications in the long term. Bear in mind that a meticulously cared-for tree not only enhances the aesthetic charm of your property but also plays a pivotal role in bolstering the overall health of the environment.

The Importance of Professional Tree Removal for Property Safety

Trees stand as cherished pillars within any landscape, providing not only resplendent shade and beauty but also bestowing a myriad of ecological benefits. However, there are instances when a tree on your property may pose a threat to safety, making professional tree removal a crucial consideration. Although the prospect of managing tree removal independently might be alluring, the indispensable expertise of professionals in the field is paramount when safeguarding both individuals and property.

Hazard Assessment

Professional arborists are trained to assess the health and structural integrity of trees comprehensively. They possess the ability to discern potential hazards that might elude the untrained observer. Trees with weakened limbs, diseases, or structural issues can pose serious risks, especially during adverse weather conditions. Professionals use their knowledge to evaluate the overall health of a tree and determine whether removal is necessary to prevent accidents.

Mitigating the Risk of Property Damage

A key motivation for choosing professional tree removal services lies in the inherent risk of property damage that such expertise seeks to mitigate. Trees too close to buildings, power lines, or other structures can lead to significant damage if not removed properly. Professionals adeptly employ techniques like directional felling, ensuring the secure and precise removal of a tree while minimizing the potential for collateral damage to nearby structures.

Safety for Individuals

The safety of individuals on and around the property is paramount. A leaning or diseased tree can pose an imminent threat, with the risk of branches falling or the entire tree collapsing. Professional tree removal services prioritize safety protocols to protect both the workers and anyone in the vicinity. They use specialized equipment and follow industry best practices to minimize the risk of accidents during the removal process.

Proper Equipment and Expertise

Tree removal often involves the use of specialized equipment that may not be readily available to homeowners attempting a DIY approach. Professional arborists come equipped with the right tools, machinery, and safety gear to handle tree removal efficiently. Their expertise in operating this equipment ensures a smoother and safer process, reducing the likelihood of accidents or damage.

Adherence to Local Regulations and Compliance

Many regions have regulations governing tree removal, especially in urban areas or neighborhoods with protected tree ordinances. Professional tree removal services are well-versed in local regulations and can navigate the permitting process. Hiring professionals ensures that the tree removal is conducted legally, avoiding potential fines or legal consequences for unauthorized removal.

Environmental Considerations

Beyond the safety of property and individuals, professional tree removal services also consider environmental factors. They can assess whether a tree is salvageable or if removal is the best course of action. Additionally, professionals can provide guidance on replanting or suggest alternative landscaping options to maintain the ecological balance on the property.

Emergency Response

In situations where a tree poses an immediate threat, such as after a severe storm, professional tree removal services offer emergency response. Their ability to quickly assess the situation, mobilize resources, and safely remove the tree can prevent further damage and enhance overall safety.

Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Run

While the upfront cost of professional tree removal may seem higher than a DIY approach, it is an investment in long-term safety and property protection. Improperly executed tree removal can result in extensive damage and costly repairs. By choosing professionals, property owners mitigate the risk of accidents and subsequent expenses, making it a cost-effective decision in the long run.

In conclusion, the importance of professional tree removal for property safety cannot be overstated. From hazard assessment to compliance with regulations and environmental considerations, hiring a reputable tree removal service ensures that the process is executed with precision and care. Prioritizing safety not only protects property and individuals but also contributes to the overall well-being of the surrounding environment. When it comes to the removal of trees, entrusting the task to seasoned experts with the requisite knowledge, experience, and tools ensures a safe and efficient completion of the job.

Landscaping with Trees: Expert Tips for a Beautiful and Healthy Yard

A meticulously planned landscape has the power to metamorphose an ordinary yard into a sanctuary of enchanting beauty and serene tranquility. Within this carefully orchestrated tapestry of nature and design, trees emerge as the linchpin, weaving together the elements that harmonize and elevate the overall aesthetic and peaceful ambiance. Landscaping with trees transcends the mere enhancement of your outdoor space’s visual allure; it becomes an investment in the holistic vitality of your yard. Beyond the sheer aesthetics, the presence of thoughtfully chosen trees contributes significantly to the overall well-being and ecological balance of your outdoor environment. Within this guide, we will delve into the realm of expertise, offering valuable insights and seasoned advice on seamlessly integrating trees into your landscaping. These tips are designed to not only enhance the visual splendor but also to foster the robust health of your yard, creating a verdant haven that stands as a testament to thoughtful and informed landscape design.

Choose the Right Trees for Your Climate

Carefully choosing trees that flourish within the unique parameters of your local climate is paramount to ensuring their enduring vitality and long-term health. Given that various tree species exhibit distinct temperature and moisture preferences, seeking guidance from local arborists or reputable nurseries becomes imperative. Consulting with these experts will empower you to discern the optimal tree options tailored to the specific climatic nuances of your region. Native trees often adapt more easily to the local climate and soil conditions.

Plan for Growth

When planting trees, it’s essential to consider their eventual size and shape. Plan for the growth of the tree over the years, ensuring that it won’t outgrow its space or interfere with structures, power lines, or other plantings. Meticulous attention to the adequate spacing and strategic placement of trees is pivotal in forestalling potential challenges in the future. Thoughtful consideration in this regard ensures not only the immediate visual harmony of your landscape but also safeguards against complications that may arise as trees mature and expand.

Create Layers and Variety

A diverse selection of trees can add visual interest to your landscape. Consider incorporating trees of varying heights, shapes, and foliage textures to create a layered and dynamic effect. This diversity not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also contributes to the ecological balance of your yard.

Balance Shade and Sunlight

Strategic placement of trees can help balance shade and sunlight in your yard. This is especially important for creating comfortable outdoor living spaces. Opting for deciduous trees proves to be a judicious selection, skillfully orchestrating a dual-purpose ballet in your landscape. During the warmer months, these trees generously bestow cooling shade, creating a welcome respite from the sun’s intensity. Come winter, their graceful transition into leafless silhouettes facilitates the gentle infusion of sunlight, ensuring a well-balanced play of the seasons within your outdoor sanctuary.

Pay Attention to Seasonal Interest

Choose trees that offer visual interest throughout the seasons. Some trees bloom in the spring, while others display vibrant foliage in the fall. Evergreen trees maintain their greenery year-round, providing structure and color even in the winter months. A well-planned mix of seasonal interest ensures your yard remains captivating throughout the year.

Implement Proper Planting Techniques

Prudent planting practices stand as the bedrock for nurturing the well-being and enduring vitality of your trees. The foundational act of planting, when executed with care and precision, sets the trajectory for their growth, ensuring not only immediate stability but also fostering the long-term resilience and longevity of these arboreal companions in your landscape. Follow best practices for planting, including digging an appropriate-sized hole, amending soil as needed, and providing adequate water during the establishment phase. Mulching around the base of the tree helps retain moisture and suppress weeds.

Invest in Regular Tree Care

Just like any other living organisms, trees require care and maintenance. These interconnected practices, when performed consistently, serve as the guardians of your trees, promoting structural integrity, nutrient enrichment, and resilience against potential pest threats, thereby nurturing a flourishing and robust canopy in your landscape. Deliberate the prospect of enlisting the expertise of a certified arborist—an arboreal virtuoso skilled in the intricate dance of tree health. Entrusting the evaluation and care of your trees to these knowledgeable professionals ensures not just survival but a thriving symphony of botanical vitality. Their practiced eyes and skilled hands will orchestrate a tailored regimen, enhancing the well-being and longevity of your arboreal ensemble, transforming your landscape into a verdant masterpiece under their expert guardianship.

Water Wisely

Meticulous watering takes on an elemental role, particularly in the nascent stages of a tree’s existence. It transcends mere routine; it becomes a pivotal act, a nurturing gesture that holds the key to the tree’s initial growth and establishment. The judicious application of water during this formative period is not merely a chore but an indispensable investment in the tree’s resilience, setting the stage for a robust and flourishing life in your landscape. Deep and infrequent watering encourages the development of a strong root system. Mulching around the base of the tree helps retain moisture, reduces competition from grass, and regulates soil temperature.

Integrate Hardscape and Softscape Elements

Combine trees with hardscape elements such as pathways, patios, or outdoor structures to create a harmonious balance between the natural and built environment. The juxtaposition of softscape (plants, trees) and hardscape elements adds visual interest and functionality to your yard.

Consider Wildlife and Ecosystem Benefits

Trees play a vital role in supporting local ecosystems. They serve as more than mere arboreal entities; these trees become bustling ecosystems in themselves, offering shelter and sustenance to a myriad of life forms. From providing cozy habitats for birds to acting as sustenance stations for insects and other wildlife, these verdant sentinels stand as indispensable contributors to the intricate web of biodiversity within your landscape. Consider the ecological impact of your tree choices and aim to create a yard that contributes positively to the local environment.

In conclusion, landscaping with trees is a multifaceted endeavor that goes beyond aesthetics. Conscientious planning, diligent care, and the discerning curation of tree varieties weave a tapestry that extends beyond mere visual allure, culminating in a yard that is not just aesthetically captivating but also a paragon of ecological sustainability. This thoughtful orchestration harmonizes the beauty of nature with responsible stewardship, creating a haven where the visual splendor coexists seamlessly with the preservation of our precious ecosystem. Embracing these seasoned recommendations paves the way for crafting an outdoor haven that transcends mere aesthetics—it becomes a thriving sanctuary. Implementing these expert tips is not merely a gesture toward personal gratification; it is an investment in elevating the collective well-being of both your immediate environment and the broader community. In adhering to these insights, you forge a landscape that not only enriches your own quality of life but also contributes positively to the shared tapestry of your community’s outdoor experience.

Tree Risk Assessment: Safeguarding Your Property Through Expert Evaluation

Trees are not only valuable and aesthetically pleasing additions to any property, but they also offer essential shade, elevate landscaping, and significantly contribute to the overall well-being of the environment. Yet, as majestic as trees may appear, they also harbor potential risks to both property and safety. Recognizing the significance of tree risk assessment is paramount for homeowners and property managers, ensuring the safety of their surroundings remains a top priority.

The Need for Tree Risk Assessment

Trees, akin to all living organisms, undergo transformations as the hands of time shape their existence. Environmental factors, diseases, pests, and the inexorable march of time can impact their structural integrity, rendering them susceptible to potential failure. The descent of a tree or branch, whether by force of nature or other circumstances, holds the potential for substantial property damage, poses a threat to occupants, and, in the gravest instances, may result in severe injuries or fatalities. Tree risk assessment is a proactive approach to identify and mitigate potential risks, ensuring that the beauty of your trees doesn’t compromise the safety of your property.

What is Tree Risk Assessment?

Tree risk assessment is a systematic process carried out by certified arborists to evaluate the health, stability, and potential risks associated with a tree. It involves a thorough inspection of the tree’s structure, branches, roots, and overall vitality. Arborists assess various factors, including the tree’s species, age, environmental conditions, and signs of diseases or pests.

The Arborist’s Role

Certified arborists play a critical role in the tree risk assessment process. Their expertise allows them to identify subtle signs of tree issues that may go unnoticed by the untrained eye. Arborists are trained to evaluate the structural integrity of trees, recognizing potential hazards and recommending appropriate measures to reduce risk.

Signs That Warrant Tree Risk Assessment

  • Visible Decay or Cavities: External signs of decay, such as cavities, fungal growth, or large cracks, can indicate internal decay and compromise the tree’s stability.
  • Leaning Trees: Trees leaning at unusual angles may be at risk of falling, especially if the lean has developed recently.
  • Dead or Hanging Branches: Dead or hanging branches pose a direct risk as they can fall unexpectedly, endangering property and people.
  • Changes in Foliage: Unusual changes in the color, density, or size of leaves can be indicative of underlying health issues.
  • Root Issues: Compromised root systems due to construction, soil compaction, or disease can affect a tree’s stability.
  • Proximity to Structures: Trees located near structures, power lines, or high-traffic areas may pose a greater risk if they were to fail.

Mitigation Measures

Based on the findings of the tree risk assessment, arborists recommend appropriate mitigation measures to reduce potential risks. These measures may include:

  • Pruning: Targeted pruning to remove dead or weak branches, improving the tree’s overall structure and reducing the risk of branch failure.
  • Bracing and Cabling: Installation of support systems, such as braces and cables, to enhance the stability of weak or structurally compromised trees.
  • Tree Removal: In cases where the risk is too high, removal may be the most appropriate option to eliminate potential hazards.
  • Soil Aeration and Mulching: Improving soil conditions through aeration and mulching to enhance root health and stability.

Regular Monitoring

Tree risk assessment is not a one-time activity; it should be part of an ongoing tree care plan. Regular monitoring allows arborists to track changes in tree health, identify new risks, and adjust mitigation strategies accordingly. This proactive approach helps prevent potential issues before they escalate.

In conclusion, tree risk assessment is a fundamental aspect of responsible tree care and property management. By investing in the expertise of certified arborists and conducting regular assessments, property owners can enjoy the beauty of their trees while safeguarding their surroundings. The proactive identification and mitigation of potential risks contribute to a safer and more secure environment for everyone. Remember, when it comes to tree health and safety, prevention is key.

The Importance of Trees and Understanding Tree Lopping for Property Owners in Townsville.

Trees are an essential part of the environment and help to produce oxygen. They also provide shelter for many animals and are a source of beautiful natural scenery. Having well-maintained trees in your home or garden can be a great way to improve the aesthetics and value of your property. However, there are some things that you need to know about tree lopping Townsville service before deciding to have it done.

tree lopping townsville

Tree Trimming Safety: Tips for DIY and Professional Tree Lopping in Townsville.

Tree trimming can be dangerous if you don’t follow proper safety measures. Whether you hire a professional tree lopping Townsville service or DIY your own, there are certain precautions that should be taken to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Using the right equipment is essential to prevent accidents from occurring during tree trimming. These include a hard hat, gloves, and boots.

In addition, safety harnesses are used to keep you in place while you climb up the tree. It also protects you in case you fall from the tree accidentally.

Before climbing, inspect the limbs for strength and stability. Do not rely on split or weak limbs for support because they could break and cause injuries or even death.

If you are planning to work aloft, you should use a ladder tied to the tree and not free-climb. It is also important to avoid moving more than one step at a time to prevent accidents.

The Pros and Cons of Tree Lopping: Benefits and Potential Risks to Tree Health.

Tree lopping is the process of trimming branches, limbs, and trunks to change a tree’s size and shape. It can be done for a number of reasons, including safety and maintenance purposes.

If done properly, it can help promote the health and longevity of a tree. It is also important to remove dead, dying, or diseased parts of a tree in order to encourage new growth and prevent the tree from decaying.

However, tree lopping is not a permanent solution. A qualified arborist will tell you that it is generally better to hire a tree lopping service in Townsville than to try and do it yourself.

The reason for this is that tree lopping can starve a tree of its energy reserves. This can cause serious damage to the tree, and may even result in it dying. Moreover, the leaves that a tree produces to absorb sunlight are removed when it is lopped. This is bad for the tree’s overall health and can cause fungi, bacteria, and insects to enter the tree.

The Importance of Tree Lopping in Landscape Maintenance

Tree lopping is a big part of the landscape maintenance puzzle. This can range from removing overhanging branches to trimming back young growth to reduce the risk of injury to family members, pets and the like. Whether you choose to go the DIY route or hire the professionals, a little preparation goes a long way. A few key points of consideration include: identifying your tree from your neighbours, assessing the weather conditions and deciding when is the best time to prune, trim and top off the trees in question. Having an up to date and comprehensive maintenance plan in place will help you avoid costly tree related emergencies. There are several reasons to have a professional tree service in Townsville on your speed dial and the most important reason is to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Using a trusted tree care provider will also ensure that your most prized possessions are in safe hands.

The Importance of Pruning for Tree Health and Longevity.

Trees are some of the most beautiful plants you can find, and they make any property look gorgeous. But they need regular maintenance in order to stay healthy and look their best.

The best way to keep your trees looking their very best is to regularly prune them. This can be done by professionals or even home owners who have experience with tree pruning.

Pruning can be done by hand or using clippers that are made for the job. This process will help the tree grow stronger and healthier and it will also promote longevity for your trees.

When a tree is lopped it removes a large percentage of its leaf-bearing crown. These leaves are the food producers for your tree, and when they are removed the tree will temporarily starve, weakening it.

Removing these food producers can also expose your tree to sun damage which can cause cankers, bark splitting and the death of some branches. Ultimately, this can lead to the need for expensive tree removal.

How to Choose the Best Tree Lopper


Tree loppers can make your life easier when it comes to clearing fallen trees. You can find dozens of models on the market and then decide which one best fits your needs. Here are some tips to choose the best model: You can use a product tester to evaluate dozens of options and find the one that best fits your needs.

Anvil lopper

When purchasing an anvil lopper, look for features that make it easy to use. For instance, a telescoping handle will allow you to reach higher branches without bending over. It should also have bumper stops, which reduce vibrations while cutting. You also want a handle that is comfortable to hold and doesn’t slip out of place.

You can also choose a lopper with a coating that protects the blades from rust. Titanium and Teflon coatings are both available, and they make it easier to clean sap residue from green tree branches. A good coating should last for a long time, but if it wears off, you should sharpen it immediately. There are many types of loppers, and each one performs different tasks.

Bypass lopper

Bypass tree loppers can be used for several different tree pruning tasks, including cutting back large branches or dead vegetation. They provide precision and clean cuts, and are ideal for cutting tough stems. Bypass loppers can be adjusted from one length to another for added versatility and comfort. Some models also have shock-absorbing handles to reduce the strain on the user’s arms.

These bypass tree loppers are also equipped with hardened carbon steel blades for clean cuts, and they’re also built to last. They’re also resharpable, and the ergonomic design helps prevent hand fatigue, calluses, and blisters.

Tabor lopper

Tabor tree loppers come with a variety of features. For example, they feature a branch cutter that effortlessly chops through branches up to 4cm in diameter. This makes them an excellent choice for cut-to-length and preparatory cuts. This is the best tool for your needs when you’re dealing with smaller branches.

The GG12 Lopper from Tabor Tools has a wide anvil for extra support. This tool makes clean cuts that won’t damage the bark. It also has an ergonomic handle for ease of use. Besides being ergonomic, this lopper also features a compound action anvil mechanism that multiplies the cutting force.

Another great feature of Tabor tree loppers is their telescopic handles. This feature allows you to extend the reach of the tool without the use of a ladder. However, it is important to keep in mind that longer loppers are heavier and will cause arm fatigue over time.

Felco lopper

Felco tree loppers provide precise, clean cuts thanks to a heavy-duty looper. The looper features a hooked counter blade that pulls the branch to the cutting head center for clean – accurate slices. The loper can cut through branches up to eight inches in diameter.

The Felco 210A-50 Light Weight Bypass Lopper features a sturdy aluminum handle and non-slip grip. It is ideal for general landscape maintenance work such as pruning large branches. It features a curved cutting head, wide blade opening, and shock-absorbing handle grips. The loppers are ergonomically designed for left-handed and right-handed users.

Felco tree loppers are rated for use on trees up to eight feet tall. The blades are made of Swiss hardened carbon steel for superior durability and cutting power. They are resharpable. The loppers are designed to last for years, and their replacement parts are all available.

Felco telescoping handle

A telescoping handle is a great feature to have when using a tree lopper. This feature allows you to reach up to forty inches in height without requiring a ladder. This feature also makes pruning easier. This model also has a ratcheting action that makes extending the handle a breeze.

The telescoping handle on this lopper is made of solid forged aluminum, resulting in a sturdy and durable tool. Felco tree loppers also feature hardened steel blades that produce clean cuts on branches up to 1.4 inches. They also have rubber bumpers that keep your hands from hurting themselves when working with the tool. Additionally, all parts of the lopper can be replaced if they wear out. The company has been making tree loppers for over 75 years, so you can be confident that you will get a high-quality product.

One of the best features of a telescoping handle is its long length. It has an overall length of thirty inches and is comfortable to hold. The handle is made of forged aluminum, and the telescoping feature makes it easy to use, even when you’re cutting up branches that are as thick as two inches. The long length is ideal for trimming tall shrubs and higher branches, but it’s not very heavy. A telescoping handle can be adjusted between 19 and 32.5 inches, which is perfect for those who want to work in tight spaces or who have limited hands.


Things to Consider When Choosing a Tree Service Company


Tree service is an industry that applies arboricultural methods to the built environment. This includes road verges, greenways, and backyards. Some services offered by these companies include removing branches, trimming trees, and topping trees. In addition, many companies also provide a range of other services. Here are some things you need to consider when choosing a tree service company:

Cost of tree service

The cost of tree service can vary considerably depending on the size of your tree. Small trees may cost around $300 to $400 to remove, while huge trees could cost up to $1,200 or more. Trees larger than 80 feet are more expensive to remove because their trunks are thicker. However, trees with narrower trunks are cheaper to remove.

When it comes to tree service, it’s important to hire a company with enough experience to provide quality service. The less experience a company has, the higher the risk of any potential damage. It’s also important to check a company’s insurance and financial backing. Although a tree service company can’t replace a tree, they can create significant changes to your landscape.

Types of tree service companies

There are many types of tree service companies in the market today. When choosing the best one for your home, you must consider several factors. First, you need to find a company that is licensed and insured. This ensures that the workers working on your property are experienced and knowledgeable. Second, you need to check their reputation by looking for their reviews online and comparing their services.

Besides providing services such as removing debris from your property, these companies also help you maintain your trees. For instance, they will prune trees regularly and remove any dead or weak branches. They can also perform cabling or bracing to increase the stability of your trees.

Cost of tree trimming

If you live in an area with lots of trees and are looking for a way to keep them looking good, you might want to consider hiring a tree service company. Having your trees professionally trimmed will save you money and time, but you should know that some trees can be very expensive to maintain. The cost of trimming a tree depends on the type of tree you have, its location, and its overall health.

The size of your trees also influences the cost of tree trimming. For instance, larger trees require heavy-duty equipment. Moreover, smaller trees are more dangerous to trim. The riskier the job, the more expensive it is.

Cost of tree topping

While a tree topping job is often necessary to maintain the health and appearance of a tree, it can also be expensive. Toppers must remove the top portion of the tree’s branches, which can compromise the tree’s health and invite rot. This procedure can cost between $400 and $800. Fortunately, there are alternatives that are more affordable and less harmful.

Tree topping is usually done to control a tree’s height and spread. This process cuts away a considerable part of the tree’s food factory. It also triggers latent buds to grow rapidly underneath the cut. Ultimately, a tree needs to produce a new crop of leaves as soon as possible, or its stored energy will be severely depleted.

Cost of stump removal

The cost of stump removal for a tree service usually depends on the size and type of stump. Larger stumps can cost over a hundred dollars. Many tree care companies charge a flat rate for stump removal, but there are also some that charge per inch of diameter. Some companies will even offer a discount if you remove several stumps at once.

To estimate the cost of stump removal for a tree service, you must first know the size of the stump, which can be estimated by measuring the base from edge to edge. Then, you must calculate how much time it will take to remove the stump. Ideally, you should hire someone who will do the work safely without causing any injury to yourself or your family. Moreover, you should also inquire about the safety procedures that will be implemented when the stump removal process starts. The safety precautions should be explained in detail, especially if there are pets or children involved. You should also lump several stumps into one project to save money. Most professionals offer discounts when you combine multiple stumps in one project.


Apple Tree Tips

Too Many Apples Can Be A Problem – The goal is usually to increase the number and size of apples on a tree. At times, especially on mature trees, you may get too many apples. When this is the case the apples are apt to be too small, or if they are normal sized, you either have to prop up the branches to avoid breakage, or do some thinning out. Breakage of this type is especially likely to occur if you’ve allowed vertical interior branches to grow and they become overburdened with fruit. When you are pruning apple trees in the winter, remember that fruit grows on old growth, and by cutting the old growth back to just a few spurs, you should reduce the number of apples the tree will bear. You’ll most likely end up with enough apples, but they should be larger apples. One big apple is better than three tiny ones at any time.

Train That Tree!

Can an apple tree be trained? Certainly. Like training a dog, you’ll get a better response when the subject is young. By training an apple tree we mean, of course, pruning it to direct its growth in the desired directions and pattern. A mature tree that has been neglected is a little harder to train, as it has become set in its ways. All is not lost, however, but you may have to do some major pruning to get the tree back into the desired shape. There may be some large branches or major sections that have to be cut away The difference between training apple trees and pruning apple trees is really that training is, in a sense, preventive pruning. A well-trained tree will usually require less extensive pruning on an annual basis.

By a well-trained apple tree, we mean one that has a primary leader, and scaffolding branches extending more or less horizontally from the leader. Some of these horizontal branches will eventually become quite large, with other scaffolding branches extending out from them. These branches grow in somewhat of an upward direction making it easier for them to handle large loads of fruit. When pruning apple trees, don’t forget to cut back the top, by a few feet if necessary. While there’s nothing wrong with a high tree, it can make harvesting the crop a little more difficult, plus the larger the tree, the bigger the job pruning and training becomes. The correct height of the tree though is the height you’re comfortable with. What you don’t want is to have the height determined by a large number of interior vertical branches. Train the tree as it grows.

Pruning A Young Tree

We’ve talked mainly about mature trees to this point. What about pruning apple trees that you’ve just brought home from the nursery? These trees are often “whips”, a single vertical stick with no branches. Unless the whip has been pre-trimmed, you want to cut it back to about 3 feet in height. This constitutes your initial pruning adventure and is enough to get things started. Cutting the whip back will encourage the growth of lateral or scaffolding branches.

The bud that forms at the top will become the central leader of the tree and you’ll base future pruning and training around this leader. If your new tree has a few side branches, you still want to cut the top back, plus cut off branches near the ground, and cut back the other branches to 2 or 3 buds. This will get you started on a tree that will be pyramid shaped at first, which is what you want.

Your new tree should develop several side branches during the first growing season. After the tree has gone dormant, in mid-winter, you can cut some of the side branches off, leaving the two or three strongest ones. Cut the remaining branches back slightly. As the tree grows during the following season you can keep more scaffolding branches and prune away crossing branches, suckers, and the like. Now you have a well-trained tree. A well-trained tree is a happy tree.